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The Intermediate High School and High School have begun a collaborative effort to recognize students for following our school norms through an initiative called We are SV - Student of the Month. The norms below were identified by teachers and students earlier this school year. During each month, teachers will nominate students who are demonstrating one or more of our school norms. All nominees will be given a certificate and placed into our We Are SV - Student of the Month nomination pool. At the end of each month, Mr. Ceh and Mr. Henderson will be featured on the SV News show to broadcast a winner from each grade level.


Learn more about our SV School Norms from our students:

SV Norms Pt 1:

SV Norms Pt 2:

SV Norms Pt 3:

SV Norms Pt 4:

SV Norms Pt 5: